Nesto Attendance Management System
Nesto Hypermarket is a well-known name across homes in the Gulf region. Founded by Mr. K P Basheer, Chairman of Western International Group in 2004. Nesto has been one of the fastest growing retail chains in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) locations.
Hurdles and issues in managing attendance of the employees was a troublesome task at Nesto. While looking for a best possible solution, they approached Creative Solutions to get automated attendance software that could rectify and fix the problem areas. They needed to automate the whole attendance process for the employees, roaster planning, day offs, global holidays, attendance monitoring, device monitoring and different parameters.
Requirements were as follows:
• Complete attendance management software.
• On-Prem solution.
• Machine for check-in & check-out.
• Machine installation with POE solution
• Training for employees.
• The dashboard should be globally accessible from the web.
• Other dashboard real time report customization.
• Attendance device to also act as access control system.
• Custom report to be used with their ERP system.
Creative solutions took the requirements as a challenge and successfully implemented the CreativeTime Attendance management software which changed and up-lifted the manual Attendance process.
Implementation included :
• Automation was done to reflect the complete requirements from Nesto, Ex: Roaster Planning, day offs, employee monitoring, Etc.
• Complete attendance management software was implemented on-prem.
• Multi-level customization was done to reflect the requirements made by the client.
• Integration with the ERP system.
• Machines were configured to sync with the attendance management software for data collection.
• Machines were powered by custom build P.O.E cable, as a power outlet was un-available at the installation location.
• Customization was also done as per client’s requirement for the dashboard.
• Machines were configured to work with magnetic door locks and act as access control.
Completed on
Microsoft .Net
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